Women’s New Beginnings – 2021 Summer Retreat

08/27/2021 – 08/29/2021 all-day
NIU Lorado Taft Field Campus
1414 N River Rd
Oregon IL 61061
Carolina M 224-587-7199 or Gaby S 847-710-6003

Women’s New Beginnings – 2021 Summer Retreat


Registration Fee – $110 Includes: Lodging, three meals on Saturday & breakfast on Sunday
Registration/Check-in begins at 6:00pm on Friday but you may arrive as early as 3:00pm to choose a room
and enjoy the use of the campus on your own prior to check-in.
To Reserve Your Spot: Return form and payment by August 17th to Gaby Sotelo
31 Devonshire Cir Elgin, IL 60123. Make checks payable to Gaby Sotelo
(Limited, partial scholarships are available upon request, on a first come basis)
White Elephant raffle to support the 2022 Scholarship fund…bring donation to the retreat!
Special Requests Cabin call Linda W at 847-219-1628
Questions? Call Carolina M 224-587-7199 or Gaby S 847-710-6003