Virtual Eastern U.S. / Canada Forum

12/05/2020 all-day

November 6, 2020

Dear Friends, 

Greetings from the General Service Office (G.S.O.) of Alcoholics Anonymous!

We are happy to announce a Virtual Eastern U.S./Canada Forum on December 5, 2020“2020: Experience, Strength & Hope – what it was like, what happened, and what it is like now.” 

The one-day event will feature participation from the Northeast, Southeast, East Central and Eastern Canada Regions. As with traditional Regional Forums, the day will include workshops, presentations, Q&A’s, General Sharing, and much, much more!

Registration will open on November 6, 2020 and can be accessed on our website at

All members are invited, so get on the virtual bus! Bring a newcomer!

In fellowship, 

Sandra W.

Regional Forums